Conseils et réponses de l'équipe EPROLO
After installing the EPROLO plug-in, if the error occur, please follow the steps below to fix it.
Step 1: Click “Disconnect from EPROLO.”
Step 2: And “Connect to EPROLO” again. After successfully authorized, try to import products once again. If it’s still not work and show “Consumer key is invalid” error, please try again later. Because WooCommerce may have a cache, and the new key does not take effect immediately.
Step 3: If the first and second step don’t work, please create a key in “Woocommerce”-”Settings”-”Advance-”Rest API”-”Add key”. Then copy and send it to your support agent for key replacement.
Step 4: Modify “Consumer key” and “Consumer secret” in EPROLO “My account” – “Woocommerce”.
Please follow the steps below to fix it.
Step 1: Install “Shipment Tracking”, a third-party plugin for automating order fulfillment. Click here.
Step 2: Download “Shipment-tracking” plugin, upload the file, and activate the plugin.
Step 3: Successful installation. EPROLO can automatically process orders and synchronize logistics numbers for you.
Reasons cause this problem:
(1) You are using a free hosting service like InfinityFree. Generally, a free server does not support API. As a result, you need to upgrade your server.
(2) If you already have a paid server, please check whether your server configuration enables the Javascript function.