
由  | 12月 13, 2021



提示1: Return policy is required. A return option is missing or not valid. Update your return options.

应对: “Return policy”退货政策是必选项,请选择相应的退货政策后,再点击推送到店铺。

提示2: The auction currency specified does not match the auction currency for the selected site


提示3: Return policy is not supported for this category. Condition is not applicable for this category. The condition value submitted has been dropped. Selected category is not enabled for variation listings.

应对: 所选择的“Return policy”退货政策不适合所选分类,请重新选择合适的“Return policy”后,再点击推送到店铺。

提示4: At least one valid shipping service must be specified.

应对: “Shipping policy”运输政策是必选项,请选择相应的运输政策后,再点击推送到店铺。

提示5: It looks like you’ve reached the number of items you can list. You can list up to 5 items this month.

应对: 出现此提示意味着您的eBay店铺上架商品数量超出限制,您可以在您的eBay店铺下架部分产品后,再进入EPROLO导入列表,点击推送到店铺。

提示6: Duplicate VariationSpecifics trait value in the VariationSpecificsSet container.

应对: 变体SKU中的规格值有重复的,请修改后再点击推送到店铺。

提示7:Payment policy is required.


应对: “Payment policy”付款政策是必选项,请选择相应的付款政策后,再点击推送到店铺。

提示8:Department is not allowed as a variation specific.

应对: Department不能做为SKU属性,请点击“修改属性显示”重新选择。

提示9: This listing would cause you to exceed the amount you can list. You can list up to £84.79 more in total sales this month.


应对: 出现此提示意味着所售产品已超出您eBay店铺的产品销售限制金额,请确保上架产品的数量不超过eBay的上架限制,超出限制的产品将会被eBay删除。

eBay限制金额=产品所有SKU库存 × 对应的零售价格


提示10:The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.

应对: 产品标题或产品描述不符合eBay的规范,请修改后再点击推送到店铺。


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