High ticket dropshipping can be intimidating for novices. However, if you’re already into dropshipping, you can swiftly switch from low ticket to high ticket dropshipping.
This comprehensive guide will expand on everything you must know about high ticket dropshipping. This guide will take you through all the nitty gritty, from high ticket dropshipping products to setting up your store. Ultimately, you can decide whether you’re ready to test the waters or want to stay in your comfort zone.

Preview the passage:
What Is High Ticket Dropshipping?
High Ticket Dropshipping: Pros and Cons
How to Find High Ticket Dropshipping Suppliers?
3 Best High Ticket Dropshipping Companies
How to Find High Ticket Products?
Best 11+ High Margin Products
How to Start High Ticket Dropshipping?
How to Promote Your High-Ticket Products?
Start High Ticket Dropshipping Right Now
What Is High Ticket Dropshipping?
High ticket dropshipping is a fulfillment model similar to low ticket or traditional dropshipping. However, the products sold in high ticket drop shipping are high-end niche products. Hence, the profit margin on these expensive products is high.
Low ticket dropshipping mainly changes its deliverable items based on the latest trends. Moreover, these items are less pricey, wanted by the masses, and have profit margins. The products are also mainly impulse buys that customers make due to social media influence. Hence, low ticket dropshippers mainly sell gimmicks.
High ticket dropshipping is a refined, more sophisticated approach as it sells only to people ready to pay the big bucks. The high ticket dropshipping products are mostly upward of $100. Therefore, even though the masses don’t buy such products, customers who buy can certainly afford them.
High Ticket Dropshipping: Pros and Cons
While it sounds accessible and captivating, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of high ticket dropshipping. Jumping into this business model without a complete grasp of the concept can severely backfire. Thus here are some pros and cons of high ticket dropshipping.
Here are some high-ticket drop shipping pros that make investing in this business model worthwhile.
1. High Profit Margins
You will likely enjoy a high profit margin when selling a high ticket dropshipping product.
Various products that sell for high prices can be purchased cheaper on other platforms.
In contrast, low ticket dropshipping products are bought cheaply but sold at an affordable cost to attract numerous customers. Therefore the products do not have a profit margin to create a significant amount.
For instance, selling a $500 watch at a 20% profit margin will yield a profit of $100.
In contrast, if you’re selling $15 at a similar profit margin, you’ll only make $3 per sale. Hence, you’ll have to find numerous customers to make enough profit.
You can use the incredible profits and reinvest in your business with high-ticket dropshipping.
2. Customer-Oriented Marketing
Profit in high ticket dropshipping depends on the customer, not the number of sales. Hence, you can market to a niche instead of trying to sell your products to everyone.
When your selection, message, and brand are precise, it’s likely to attract quality customers willing to pay.
Therefore, you’ll get more converting sales by targeting a specific buyer’s persona.
3. Quality Customer Service
When you have a high-paying customer, your customer service must match their expectation. However, in the low ticket dropshipping model, dealing with the masses is impossible, and the quality subsides.
In contrast, high ticket dropshipping has fewer buyers. Therefore, you can provide excellent customer service without spending high amounts on it.
Moreover, you can use the money saved on customer service to improve other areas in the business requiring capital.
4. Long-Term Business Plan
The success of low ticket dropshipping depends upon changing trends. Hence, the hype for the product changes once a trend changes. Consequently, business owners change their strategy to appeal to the masses towards the latest trend.
Moreover, if you have competition in your sector, market saturation will take away your spotlight in no time.
In comparison, high ticket dropshipping is a more sustainable model to keep the business going and growing. The product’s demand doesn’t depend on trends.
Therefore, there’s no reason to change your business or marketing strategy every few weeks. Furthermore, high ticket dropshipping products don’t fade and are always in demand, promising long-term profits.
Now that you’ve realized how promising high ticket dropshipping can be, here are some cons to balance the pros. Please read them carefully, as you can choose to go further with this business model.
1. Challenging for Amateurs
Since we are playing the Devil’s advocate here, we want to warn you from the get-go: high ticket dropshipping isn’t for amateurs.
The tailored marketing approach required for a successive high ticket dropshipping business demands experience.
High ticket dropshipping can be a hit or miss if you’re a beginner with no clue about dropshipping.
In contrast, low ticket dropshipping, though with low profits, will make you some money while you become familiar with dropshipping.
2. Risky Order Fulfillment
Filling for high ticket clients can be risky as the products are more expensive.
Hence, refunding the high cost to the customers can be challenging in any situation of theft.
You won’t have such heavy losses in a low ticket dropshipping business.
3. High Initial Investment
To set up your high ticket dropshipping store, you’ll require significant capital.
Marketing and design are the main areas that will eat up the most significant chunk of your money. Since you need to reach the audience that forages and buys, the price is high.
In addition, you’ll need a professional-looking store to grab your ideal customer’s attention.
You all need a sophisticated and user-friendly store that won’t lose your customer on unnecessary pages. Such a straightforward setup requires expert help that doesn’t come cheap.
If you get an order from your high ticket product store, you’d also need cash to buy and ship the item to your customer.
How to Find High Ticket Dropshipping Suppliers?
If you’re reading this, we believe you’re determined to set foot in the high ticket dropshipping business.
In this case, you must find a reliable high ticket dropshipping supplier with quality products for your customers. Therefore, you must appraise the dropshipping supplier carefully. Google reviews can help you in this regard.
Furthermore, it would help to have a dropshipping supplier who is quick with order fulfillment and doesn’t keep clients waiting.
Therefore, always work with someone who shares your vision of making customers happy. Otherwise, one wrong move or delay can bring your reputation down too.
It would help if you communicated clearly with your high ticket dropshipping supplier for a successful partnership. If you aren’t on the same page, your customer will suffer.
3 Best High-Ticket Dropshipping Companies
If you’re ready to dive into the actual task, here are the best high-ticket dropshipping companies that can help you. These reliable companies are known for their excellent support and various suppliers.
1. EPROLO (All-in-one supply chain platform)
EPROLO is a comprehensive supply chain platform for global dropshipping businesses.

The order fulfillment and print-on-demand services this company offers have profited numerous beginner and expert dropshipping business owners.
Moreover, the company offers a wide range of high-end product niches to provide an array of selections.
Click to jump to Best 11+ High Margin Dropshipping Products.
The forever free platform is helpful for first-time dropshippers who are testing the waters and serious drop ship business owners.
2. AliExpress
Another renowned platform for global dropshipping business is Aliexpress.
The platform presents drop ship business owners with a wide range of product selections.
The high end products at the store are of excellent quality and will keep customers returning to your store.
3. CJ Dropshipping
CJ Dropshipping’s in-depth catalog can help you find almost any product you’re looking for.
However, if a specific high-end product isn’t available, the platform will help you source it from another reliable platform.
Hence, there’s always a win-win situation for high ticket dropshipping business owners with CJ dropshipping.
However, getting acquainted with the platform’s site might take some time.
How to Find High-Ticket Products?
Finding the right high ticket products is imperative. If you choose an over-hyped product, the sales won’t convert for long. Therefore, you need thorough research and planning before finalizing which high ticket product you’ll buy.
Here are some of the ways to figure out which high ticket dropshipping products you can invest in:
1. Target Hobbies and Interests
Social shopping platforms like Pinterest, etc., are great research platforms. You can find which products certain hobbyists and enthusiasts love to purchase.
For instance, outdoor activity lovers always look for updated smartwatches with the latest software. Hence, they’ll buy a stylish yet practical watch in a heartbeat if they are convinced it will serve them.
Hence, in this term, dropshipping watches will be profitable.
2. Look for In-Demand Products
If you’re looking for products that are seldom in demand, you’ll forever be waiting for a purchase. You want something that’s a necessity for a particular niche.
For instance, bikers will always be looking for upgraded road bikes. Platforms like Amazon can help identify such items if you go through their list of best sellers.
3. Think Beyond End Customers
You don’t always have to sell high ticket dropshipping products to end customers.
Instead, you can dropship your products to businesses. Businesses are likely to have more budget and might order the product in bulk leading to more profit.
For instance, if you’re selling a set of special crockery, a homemaker might buy a set. However, a restaurant owner will buy numerous sets to incorporate into his business.
4. Study Google Trends
It’s alright to have various high ticket dropshipping product ideas. However, you’ll profit more if you’re specific with your niche. Therefore, Google Trends is your best friend.
Study what’s always in demand and hasn’t vanished from the face of the earth. If you’re selling gold crocs that no one’s interested in buying, you won’t be making a profit.
Best 11+ High Margin Products
If you’re looking for some high ticket items to dropship, here are 11+ suggestions.
1. Air Fryer
Air fryers are currently in demand and have increased a whopping 3,000% since people realized their potential for energy saving. Moreover, the tasty delights it can prepare quickly are also commendable.
2. Kitchen Knives
The market for kitchen knives will grow during 2019-2025 at a CAGR of 8.6%. Sturdy and sharp knives with intricate designs are currently more in demand due to their personal touch.
3. Surveillance Cameras
Nowadays, the need for surveillance cameras is increasing. People are buying these technologies massively for homes, vehicles, garages, offices, or other social areas.
4. Dog Training Collar
There will never be a time when pet accessories aren’t in demand. Therefore, dog training collars are also rising in demand and will continue to grow by 2031 at 6%.
5. Tablet
People are always looking for new, upgraded, time-friendly, efficient, and efficient gadgets. Therefore, customers are searching for quality tablets that will make their life easy with superb integrated software options.
6. Smart Watches
Since people can carry all their gadgets in a single watch, the demand for smartwatches is also increasing. Moreover, people are willing to pay a couple of extra bucks for quality watches too.
7. Projector
Post-pandemic, projectors are becoming increasingly in demand due to their functionality in creating at-home theaters. Moreover, its usage in the educational sector is already known and acknowledged.
8. Diving Suit
People gradually drift to beaches and look for quality and sturdy diving suits. Customers want suits that are easy to wear but also look classy. By 2026, the market will make an estimated $623.7 million.
9. Camping Tool Bag
Post-pandemic people are rushing toward the wilderness. Therefore, a camping tool bag with all the necessary items is rising in demand.
10. Massage Gun
The home spa has now become a trend. Therefore, you’ll find people looking for massage guns for easy and at-home massages.
11. Hunting Observation
Night vision hunting observation tools are increasing in demand due to their use in hunting. The tool keeps hunters safe and excited for the hunt.
12. Coffee Grinder
Coffee is never going out of demand, and neither is a coffee grinder. As people consume more coffee, they are looking for sturdy and quality coffee grinders.
How to Start High-Ticket Dropshipping?
Starting a high ticket dropshipping business requires incredible knowledge regarding the dropshipping process. Assuming you’re already well-versed with the system, you’d know that you require a high ticket dropshipping store. However, to stand out from any potential competitors, here are some things you can do:
- Professional photography of the product in action is a must. Especially if you’re selling a wearable item, give it a human touch. This way, prospective buyers will have a clear image of how they’ll look with your product.
- Brand identity is another important aspect of a successful high ticket dropshipping business. Every element must speak the brand’s language, from social media to your official store. For instance, a watch store requires classy watch pictures on Instagram.
How to Promote Your High Ticket Products?
For promoting your high ticket products, always use the resources at hand and gradually build up. Hence, curate your social media feed to look professional and attractive. If you’re selling road bikes, pictures of snuggling with a puppy won’t do much good.
Here are some other ways to promote your high ticket dropshipping products.
Search Engine Optimizations
If your website is SEO optimized, it’s likely to get featured on Google’s first page. Hence, when serious buyers search for a specific keyword related to your product, they’ll come across your website.
This simple strategy has other complex guidelines. However, hiring a professional to optimize your website will go a long way for your business.
Google Ads
Another easy yet expensive option is Google Ads. Google will feature your website with images and prices to present your prospective buyer with a one-click solution.
However, if you don’t have enough budget, this way can suck away your initial profits.
Start High Ticket Dropshipping Right Now
High ticket dropshipping is a sustainable business model that’s more profitable and straightforward. However, before jumping into it, acquaint yourself with low-ticket drop shipping.
Once you’re ready, search the trends and select a product you want to sell. Target only specific niches to attract buyers that would purchase your product.
The profits won’t come rolling in bulk. However, it all depends on your marketing game.
You’ll eventually get the hang of it, and things will look upward. Clarity, wise decisions, and patience will help you reach your goals. All the best!